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ياسر مهدى 07-17-2012 06:34 AM

الطبيب السوداني طارق أرباب مكتشف علاج مرض السكر
الطبيب السوداني طارق مصطفى أرباب ، مكتشف علاج مرض السكر ، والذى كتبت عنه المنتديات والصحف وكافى وسائل الإعلام ، والذى إستطاع بعد بحوث مضنية فى الوصول للغز مرض السكر ، ومن ثم عمل على إيجاد علاج لهذه المعضلة وقد سمي الدواء المستخدم في العلاج ( مستحضر امزيلايت ) وقد قيل في المنتديات ( او هو شخصيا ) بان العلاج موجود عند شركة عز الخير الطبية بالرياض, تلفون المندوب 0505120700 او عبد الكريم وتلفونه 0503840253 او اطباء السكري في المملكة العربية السعودية ياريت العندو معلومة توكد او تنفي يفيدنا ويفيد التانين

الموضوع دا مكرر في الكثير من المنتديات ولكن دا واحد فقط منهم


عبده مصطفي إبراهيم 07-17-2012 11:39 AM

الأخ ياسر لك التحية.....وفتشت ما لقيت غير لقاء بالإنجليزي...ومضطر اختو لسبب واحد...لاحظ لي رقم براءة الإختراع

Succeeded Sudanese doctor Tariq Mustapha employers who works in the Research Department at Smith Hospital of the Faculty of medicine, University of London and is the Hospital where the heart surgery of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a few weeks ago, succeeded in inventing the world's first drug to treat diabetes permanently, and obtained a patent from both Britain and the United States which record their invention under number «4065834».

Real estate new medical revolution is expected to occur in the face of diabetes treatment medicine that has eluded definitive since discovered ... Dr. Tarek employers also achieved another breakthrough in the field of surgery through his experience in the surgical treatment of epilepsy through which employers ' system in British «surgery», which is expected to be operational soon in hospital «» Hummer Smith to address patients with epilepsy, which made the University of London are ready to nominate Dr. Tariq for the title Professor in surgery within the candidates for 2005.

«Opinion» met with Dr. «Tarek Sayed Mustafa employers» during his visit to the Sudan and interviewed the following dialog:

Enzyme alamlis

* Dr. Tariq what real estate Kent to treat diabetes permanently?

-Real estate words pills and injections will eliminate diabetes definitively real estate consists of enzymes depend on «alamlis» enzyme that converts starch to sugar and sugar molecules facilitate analyses on body absorbed more effectively than alansline which continues with the patient throughout his life. With the new drug doses needed for a period of two to six months to recover the patient of diabetes.

* How was the discovery of new drug?

-Discover new drug for diabetes, through ongoing laboratory research on how the body energy obtained by, in addition to analytical tests on the bodies of some patients using iodine, found that iodine analyse sugar and effectively eliminate, used with the analysis in the invention of the success rate of real estate proved high. And granted a patent in the United States and Britain, which recorded invention.

* What is your registration in Britain and America in lieu of Sudan?

Britain and the United States which rights are available to defend inventors significantly, and pharmaceutical companies in Western countries have the capability to manufacture large quantities of property to allow diabetics to benefit from treatment in all parts of the world, then that product development laboratory allows inventor invention permanently.

* Registration of real estate abroad may deprive Sudan manufacture commercial quantities of medicine internally?

Registration of real estate as the invention in Britain and the United States does not prevent Sudan from request manufacture medicine internally, because Sudanese landlord and entitled to register his invention in all countries of the world, because the purpose of invention eradicate suffering diabetes who be housed everywhere around the world, this invention will be recorded again worldwide a year after registered in Britain and the United States, and therefore prepared registered in United States for fear of theft and modified by others before you register.

New scientific facts

* Do you have for new scientific facts about diabetes through invention had been discovered before?

-Findings eventually led me to invent therapies through laboratory tests sodium to add texture skin one of the patients found that the effect of iodine changes colour, you add iodine to flour, flour, and then analyses conducted laboratory analysis on saliva for diabetes, for dribble people were diabetes found that diabetics suffer from inadequate article that constricted salivary denatured sugar and starch, the first scientific experiments in the world discovered that diabetes article body not sort constricted salivary which analyses sugar Therefore, for the benefit of society should examine article constricted salivary students for medicine and pharmacy as a portal for diabetes.

Diabetes poor

* How to interpret prevalence of diabetes among poor?

-Diabetes has become a nearly universal around the world as a result of the change of food, and store food for long periods in the refrigerator, using chemicals to preserve food and altering the genetic food.

* Do you genetically modified substances cause diabetes?

-Genetically modified food linked to diabetes, as there are types of flour are difficult to accurately its light such as «Elvina», and strict if being digested be deposited as energy in tissue micro and large arteries in the body, the person prone to heart disease and kidney failure and brain diseases in addition to diabetes.

* Strictly indispensable. How can resolve this difficult equation?

-Strictly indispensable food, but can be added to sodium carbonate, which analyses precise small parts in the body and prevent its settlement in vascular arteries despite the gravity of sodium carbonate on diabetes which can be treated as a special scientific procedures.

Healing the sick

* Are there patients have recovered from diabetes permanently reliable as therapeutic models?

Several people were treated in the Sudan by «100%» for «m. y» young people aged thirteen years was using insulin rate 60 per day unit, when he started to use the new property to reduce the use of insulin in half, and briefly on his way to final disposal, and «m.» insulin uses fifteen years at a rate of 50 a day after treatment to reduce insulin to 10 units in a very short period of time, as well as «a» old forty-six years ago using pills remedy Diabetes for a long period of time by using the new address property definitively from diabetes, and who they can refer to.

* How to ensure healing diabetes who eat real estate new permanently after you leave Sudan?

-After leaving the Sudan, I keep in touch with the patients to know their condition, and then ask them to tests every six months, and through my annual Sudan each year thorough examinations of patients underwent through a special device he brought me from Britain, so all patients who were treated by me achieved great successes in the real inventor.

Manufacturing real estate

* Are there contacts offered you manufacture the new property?

-Advanced to a German company, in addition to several European pharmaceutical companies, following the publication of the invention in the British medical journal after finding that an invention was applied in practice and found a broad response from pharmaceutical institutions.

* Do not preceded by real estate newly inventor any scientific attempts to solve the problems of diabetes?

There are some alakhtrahat raised to deal with diabetes through the surgery depend on the cultivation of the body's glands produce insulin, as happens in other transplants, but that the success rate was alakhtrah insignificant only «8% despite substantial efforts» made where medical tests proved that the cultivation of pancreas eliminate sugar in the body permanently they attempt unsuccessful.

فتشت لي رقم براءة الإختراع
ودي نتيجة البحث
Inventors:Archer A. Montague Jr.


Primary Examiner:Gelak; Bernard A.

Assistance Examiner:

Attorney, Agent of firm:Mills & Coats

Filed Date: 5/13/1976

Issue Date: 1/3/1978

US Patent Application: 05/686,037

Patent number: 4065834

وهذا لا يعني أن هذا غير حقيقة..وفعلا نتمني ان يكون حقيقة حتي لو دكتور من اي جنسية
بس ما ممكن خبر ذي دا يمر علي الاعلام الغربي ساي
ودايما اي علاج بيمر بمراحل ..ممكن تاخد عشرات السنين علي بال ما يصل للمريض

ياسر مهدى 07-18-2012 06:40 AM

كلامك زي سكر كنانة بالرغم من انوا ما فهمت منوا الكثير ولكن شايف انو حتي في الامارات قالوا متوفر علي العموم نرجوا ن يكون حقيقة وعلاج شافي لهذا المرض العضال وياريت تاني تدية درشة كدا لزوم الفحص والتمحيص .

والانجليزي الكتير دا قال شنو .

عبده مصطفي إبراهيم 07-18-2012 11:40 AM

الكلام دا كلو نقة مع الدكتور العني ....بس القصة كلها يبدو ان فيها شك...لان رقم براءة الإختراع مملوك لأحد تاني
في حاجة تانية ما عندها علاقة بمرض السكر
واخشي ان تكون عبارة عن ...كذبة

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